
Customer Care Updates: Training Tips & Best Practices - 6/24/21

Today’s session focused on forgiveness application updates: One key area discussed was the basics of forgiveness including starting an application, assigning an application to the borrower and generating an application package. We reviewed an important tip around forgiveness documentation that is not required for applications under $150k. Highlighted also, was a very helpful AICPA resource: PPP Forgiveness Documentation Checklist. The team shared important reminders for firms who have clients with applications statuses of ‘Contract Sent’ and ‘More Information Needed.’ Again, to ensure funding of your client's loan, please reach out to our customer service team for support no later than Friday, June 25th. We also discussed when and how firms should be using the Portal for forgiveness. The detailed chart can be found in the slides or in the resource accessed at, (which also covers step-by-step how to assign a forgiveness application to the borrower.)