Evolve your practice in the modern, risk-filled world
Modernizing Your Practice
Modernizing a practice includes innovating to reduce risk and improve quality.
CPA.com is dedicated to leading technology and related research and innovation efforts for practitioners to help drive the transformation of core practice areas. Our investment in research and innovation is displayed through numerous strategic initiatives including curation of educational resources. CPA.com has established itself as a thought leader, and thru strategic initiatives, the thought starters of the profession.
Learn More About Modernizing Your Practice and Key Strategic Initiatives Below
The goal of "Modernizing Your Practice" is to curate clarity around complex tech and risk management topics for firms of all sizes.
In this content series you'll hear from industry experts on key tech and professional liability risk topics in a variety of bite-sized and short-to-medium form content, all with an eye toward the transformation of today's digitally-enabled practices.
The Modernizing Your Practice podcast episodes are available, and shareable, here as well as on the AICPA’s Go Beyond Disruption podcast.
Listen to all Modernizing Your Practice episodes here, or subscribe to the Go Beyond Disruption podcast. Click “Listen now” to hear each episode and view that episode’s shownotes.

Blockchain Miniseries #3 - “Cryptos, DeFi and NFTs: Accounting for Intangibles.”

Blockchain Miniseries #2 - “Bitcoin is booming and so are the taxes.”

Blockchain Miniseries #1 - The Highs and Lows of Crypto Tax

Demystifying the Dark Web

Cybersecurity and the Brand-Assurance Value of the New .cpa Domain

Securing the Shadows of IT

The Cost of Liability Risk

Managing EPL (Employment Practices Liability) Risk

Matters for Consideration: A CPA Firm Quality and Risk Wellness Plan Discussion

Engagement Letters: Foundational Best Practices

Privity in Third-party Audit Claims

Hosting Services Interpretation, Portals and More – A Discussion
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AICPA Ethically Speaking Podcast
Research & Innovation
Navigating the Future Program
About the Modernizing Your Practice team
The Modernizing Your Practice team interviews the top subject matter experts from accounting, legal, technology, compliance, insurance, risk management and related fields, to bring you the latest ideations on complex topics that support firms as they navigate the changing landscape.
Building a future ready firm
The accounting landscape is changing rapidly and one word—complexity—defines both the greatest challenge and opportunity for CPAs. To keep pace with client expectations, firms are rethinking their strategies for practice management, client services and talent development.
CPA.com is your primary source for taking the complexity out of moving your firm into the digital arena – enabling you to focus on growing your business with the smartest solutions in our profession.
To learn more about CPA.com, please contact our team at inquire@hq.cpa.com or by calling 1.855.855.5CPA.