Want to know how your CAS practice stacks up with peers? Participate in the 2024 CAS benchmark survey to find out.

CAS has been a juggernaut of growth for the accounting profession. But the path to growth has been different for each firm, from how they’re organized, how they’re staffed, the technologies they use, and the results they achieve.

For firms looking to pursue the most efficient, effective path to growth, the differences can be revealing. With a clear view into what’s working–and what’s not working–for other CAS practices, leaders can refine and improve their own strategies to achieve even stronger outcomes for their firms and clients.

That’s where the CPA.com and AICPA PCPS CAS Benchmark Survey comes in. Every other year, we ask CAS practice leaders a range of questions designed to provide the profession with a clear window into exactly how this practice area is evolving, how practices are being managed and how it’s working – beyond the hype. Later in the year, a comprehensive report is released, allowing practitioners to explore the key findings and learnings pulled from the survey data.

By participating in the survey, your firm will gain access to key benchmarking data to help shape your CAS strategy. Previous participants report that they regularly use survey benchmarks to start conversations with firm leadership and optimize their practices. Will your firm participate in this important survey? To get started, download our short guide to participating.

As a participant, you’ll get detailed insights into key benchmarking metrics on CAS success, including:

Financial benchmarking:

  • What is the size of the CAS practice? What is the size of the typical client and largest client?
  • How many clients is the practice serving?
  • What’s the average revenue per client?
  • What are the net client fees per professional?
  • Structure and services offered, including current and projected revenue by service bundle.

How CAS practices are organized:

  • How do CAS practices fit within the rest of the firm?
  • How many CAS staff members are there, and how are they upskilling staff?
  • What types of tools do they use?
  • What client industry niches are served?

How is CAS growing?

  • What’s the firm CAS growth strategy?
  • Are these practices continuing to grow? At what rate?
  • What is the projected growth?
  • What do CAS leaders report about their pipeline–strong growth, continued opportunity, minimal growth, strategic change needed?
  • What continuing investments are required to support future growth?
  • What obstacles are standing in the way of CAS success?

Capacity and staffing practices

  • Are CAS practices staffed by dedicated team members, or do they support other service lines too?
  • What role does technology play in the face of staffing challenges?
  • What role do remote, outsourced, and offshore workers play?

How CAS practices are using technology

  • Which technology enablers are CAS practices relying on most?
  • What G/L and other programs do CAS practices use?
  • How are CAS practices coordinating their technology usage with clients?

Get started now!

You can access the survey or learn more at cpa.com/casbenchmark. It will only be open until June 26, so you’ll want to get started now by downloading the 2024 CAS Benchmark Survey Guide, which provides a practical overview of the key steps in participating, from selecting a point person for the survey to submitting your responses.

If you have any questions about the registration process, the survey platform, questions or more, please email our team at assessments@hq.cpa.com.

Amy Bridges has a passion for helping people learn new ideas and content, rooted in more than a decade of classroom instructional experience and 15 additional years of work with software development, training and consulting. Amy leads the evolution of the next phase of educational offerings CPA.com will bring to market.

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